Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I've been quite the ambitious beetle since that last post and Justine just gave my bangs a trim tonight so I'm feeling especially conversational. I went to Bombay for five days-four nights last week for the Queer Azaadi pride march and I think I melted over n over again, which is more than anything that has to ship themselves away to the states in a few months should ever compromise. Of course I don't think any of that is true at all, and it really was the nicest one night stand I think I've ever had, if not the only. I just sent an email to my cousin who lived there for a bit, mentioning the sad pangs in my stomach that I get from just talking about the trip and missing it, and rudely cursing Hyderabad for constraining me here with school,it's big boulders and their taunting symbology, and again school. (Taking four classes on different branches of yoga is a nice afterthought but instead I enrolled in these totally aggressive sociology courses that frequently 'hurt my feelings', structurally speaking.)

We met for the parade at this cricket park full of dried-red-clay and I was delighted by the dresses and make up and yelling and all that, mingling with several activists and lovers and avoiding the media that insisted on photographing the handful of “white” folks present. Signs reading 'We Are Homo, We Are Indian', the unflinching rainbow of course, and speeches and chants in hindi. In places, god it was so fucking queer, no worthy culture concept about it. I didn't cry but I think I was crying like a damn baby all day. The march was two hours and took up streets and ended in front of the beach. We left the parade all sweaty and slap happy and laid on the sand which is something I didn't even know I missed. I went in to wet my feets, while Grace kept talking about all the intensive surgery we'd have to get if we cut them open on shards of glass.

I've been feeling so mouthful here, definitely more than I'd felt for the past several months in Asheville. It's really thick here, and in my other writings I can't seem to keep up with all that's panning for consideration. There are some things too tender for, but it's all subsiding near by—very much an under the skin process and at the same time a dull laboring that tends to surprise me with how graceful settling in here has been. I think I had this peanut idea that boundary erosion took some kind of weight-liftin, shin splitting kind of work, but what I took as my own ill-preparedness in coming here was actually sort of privy, like almost impossibly intuitive. In other news, I can't stop listening to The Strokes' Room on Fire and Cat Power and still don't really know what I'm trying to convince myself of. I even feel like more of Leo here but I know that's just my own bullshit, so, yeah. I'm back in Hyderabad: writing papers, brushing teeth, meetin cute people. Bombay was charming and eventually I want it back, but it's nice to be here on campus and looming in all this incredible geology and philosophy majors and, I don't know, overall just keeping the blood prickly. Double promising to post pictures so it can be electrified.


  1. I think you are growing into your Leo-ness so well! Love reading your words, Mita!

    Lots n lots of post-Valentine's sentimental box of chocolate cute kitten love your way — Linnie

  2. i love you! you are my window into beaches and parades. I'm glad you're doing well and having adventures.

    -mary claire
